Friday 27 September 2013

Aquinas Magazine Research 2

My research highlights that facebook is the most popular social networking site with twitter in a very close second place, whilst instagram scrapes third place. An article on the best social network sites will feature in my magazine and will include the top 3 favourites stated in my research. The majority of college students answered that Arctic Monkeys is their favourite band so to gain the readers interest i am going to have a competition featuring in my magazine with a chance to win tickets to see them live and free back stage passes, this competition will be advertised on my magazine cover. I will further have a double page spread article on the Arctic Monkeys dicussing their latest success. An article in my magazine will cover the latest Adele gossip. Out of all the music genres listed pop proved to be the most popular choice and Ed sheeran was the most popular pop artist from the research results which helped me to conclude that i will write an article on people who have preformed the best Ed sheeran cover songs and how to get involved with busking.

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